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Still working on the scale mechanism which shows up on the left of some of the scanned specimens. Sometimes it's off by 1-3 mm or so, possibly down to dodgy measurements. Still its roughly accurate to get an idea of the size. Improving this on ongoing.

Not all images have this added yet, since I need to make a small space available on the left edge of the target photo and spend time measuring stuff.

btw - if there's any incorrect id's on some of the specimens, please let me know so I can make an update - please email website@wudom.com

Some of the fossil exhibits at this museum. Visit the website here.
Eocene epoch, 52-51 mya.
Car park here, access point to the beach here.
Early Jurassic, 190-185 mya.
Charmouth beach beneath Stonebarrow Hill and eastwards to Golden Cap.
Early Jurassic, 190-185 mya.
The town and shoreline from Monmouth beach to Black Ven.
Eocene epoch, 56-54 mya. The place to go for lots of shark teeth.
Car park here
Copt Point and East Wear Bay. Early Cretacious, Albian stage. 110-105 mya.
Cretacious - Cenomanian (98.9 - 93 million years old).
Temp section
The Paleontological department of this museum, covering specimens from the Dorset Jurassic epoch coast.
Pristine Belemnite marl views.